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Talk:Last Days

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Beginning of sorrows

famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places


shall they deliver you up to be afflicted*

shall kill you*

ye shall be hated of all nations*

One World Government*

Worldwide economic collapse

Christ will return for His Bride the Church, and saints

Anti-Christ revealed

  • Comes to power with somooth talk
  • and a few people

Covenant with many (Jews)<ref>

  • Helps Jews rebuild Temple

horrific war, famine, and pestilence

Can not buy or sell without the mark<ref>

Everyone killed not taking the mark<ref>

  • Can not be saved after taking the mark <ref>

Commerce will prosper <ref>

After 3.5 years

Anti-Christ goes into Temple <ref>

Jews "fled into the wilderness," Revelation 12.6

Jews "given two wings of a great eagle," Revelation 12.14

then shall be great tribulation

God will pour out His wrath on an unbelieving world.

Jerusalem will be overrun (not completely) <ref>

Goes into Temple <>ref

Jew "fled into the wilderness," Revelation 12.6

  • Jews "given two wings of a great eagle," Revelation 12.14

Jerusalem is over run <ref>

  • But not completely <ref>

"war in heaven" Tries to take over Heaven Revelation 12.7

  • Is kicked out <ref>
  • went to make war with the remnant of her seed, (Jews) Revelation 12.17

The Jews now know Jesus

  • which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.

all nations against Jerusalem

the bodily return of Christ

the battle of Armageddon

Great White Throne Judgment

The dead are judged

The Devil bound for 1000 years

a perfect reign that lasts 1,000 years.

one final rebellion crushed

God creates a new heaven and earth

the eternal state begins.
