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Talk:4000XL wiring

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Generac 84132 Voltage Regulator

rotating field

stator is outside non moving coils

The DPE winding is a coil that generates a pulse for the Field winding.

The duration of the current is controlled by an SCR-1

The voltage regulator controls the signal to the SCR-1 and therefore controls the Field current and output voltage.

Diode D2 allows only positive voltage to go through the Field winding.

The MOV-1 across the Field winding suppresses transients.

D1 R3 R1 sets a default current

  • D1 1N4007
  • R3 18K 1/2W
  • R1 47K 1/4W

  • C1 104K/250V at SCR-1 anode - same as 1-BLK
  • P1-2 Feedback to AVR ------------>
  • R2 68K 1/4W
  • GND
