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News Stand

From Batchelor-s
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To have a Free Press

You Need a Press

ASA was/is here


You may connect with your phone, tablet or notebook

read and post

ASA4277 is a user name also than can connect to other ASA nodes

Includes email ASA4277@xxxxx.com

Includes password to ASA wiki

Would you like to run an ASA node ?]

It is not easy to clearly describe with a few words

so others can understand.

If you understand the concept

and can better describe it, your help is most welcome.

Design concept

An emergency communications system

Not easily disrupted

Low cost

Neighbor news News Stand

bulletin board

Be you own editor.

They can not shut you down

If you own the system.

Well, they can break your legs

or kill you,

and it may come to that

very soon.

Your friends and neighbors

can read your news

and even post news if you allow

Connect with Wi-Fi

Use your phone or tablet

They can shut down the internet

any time they are ready.

You may not be able to make phone calls

Make a backup, reserve battery,

small solar cell, extra ammo.

Would you like to run as ASA node?

Set your notebook to run in the background

Setup for linux mint

right click the wi-fi icon

Edit connections

click on the + plus button to add a new one



Name of hotspot


IPV4 255.255.255


start hotspot

nmcli connection up ASA4277

