Avalon NO brake lights
NO brake lights
It has a sensor for the indicator
if any lamps are bad.
If defective
it will not pass through voltage.
It has a low value resistor
and they sample the voltage to test how much current
The resistor may open and NO brake lights.
The center light may still work.
The sensor is in the trunk.
Pull the panel off of the left side
Run a jumper wire from the positive side
to the brake light side.
The fault sensor will no longer work
but you can live with that
unless you have lots of money
and want to replace the sensor.
Hey, I was pulled over one time
because the center light was bad.
Hey, I was pulled over one time
because one of two lights on the
plate was bad.
Hey, I remember when we did not have
a center brake light.
Hey, I remember when we did not have brake lights.
Those cops just wanted to pull you over (ins, inspection, etc)
Times are tough. They have a quota.