$55___Free Shipping - -
microSD card included - -
Our pick -- best buy
Plug in a power supply and go
Connect with SSH or plug in keyboard, mouse, and monitor
For most people Raspberry Pi3 Model B is the one to choose
If you do not use a Pi0W then the Pi3B+ is a little faster
Raspberry Pi4 Model B is the newest, fastest,
and most expensive echo '<a href="https://batchelor-s.com/index.php?title=Pi4_8">$75 delivered</a>'
______Raspberry Pi4 comes with either 2GB 4GB or 8GB RAM ($$$$)
______If you go with the Pi4 get the 8GB
______The Pi3 is a better value
______If you do not use Pi0 then go with the Pi3B+
______It is faster but not compatible with Pi0W
______The Pi0 does not have wi-fi
______Get the Pi0W for a better bang for your buck
______Pi0W for wireless AP or Private Cloud (works great)
______Connect with your phone
______Pi0 for portable projects such as robots
______Do you want to <a href="https://batchelor-s.com/">buy a Raspberry Pi</a>
______All Raspberry Pi models have a micro USB port for power
______(the same found on many mobile phones)
______Pi4 has USB-C with a power supply that provides least 3.0 amps
______You need a microSD card with a capacity of at least 16 GB (32GB)
______Smaller cards are getting harder to find at a good price
______TV with HDMI input
______The Pi is able to play sound (no extra cables)
______Computer monitors do not work well (VGA adapter $$$)
______Raspberry Pi4 has two microHDMI ports ($$$)
______allowing you to connect two separate monitors.
______You need either a microHDMI-to-HDMI cable ($$$)
______or a microHDMI-to-HDMI adapter ($$)
______What a pain
______Raspberry Pi3 has a single full-size HDMI port
______so you can connect it using a cheap standard HDMI-to-HDMI cable
______Some screens only have a VGA port, you need HDMI-to-VGA adapter ($$$$$)
______Pi0 does not have an Ethernet port to the internet
______Do not even think of using a Pi0W on the internet
______It is single core and no connectors
______Yes, you can do it, but it is not worth it
______It also has a miniHDMI connector ($$$)
______On a Pi0W forget the connectors ($$$$)
______Set it up to connect with wireless
______Pi3 amd Pi4 can also be wirelessly connected to the internet
______Pi0 could but not worth it.
______Are you going to put a USB adapter for the keyboard and mouse