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Someone is stealing your money

You do not know who it is

or how they are doing it.

Put $100 in your pocket


and after some time

it will be worth $10

$100 in 1951 = $1,097.65 in 2021

Where did the money go?

The Banksters got it

How did they do it?

They print money out of thin air

You do not say anything

and they keep doing it.

What is the cause of inflation?


Their goal is to steal 2%

of your money each year.

The Fed sets a target inflation rate of 2%

Thomas Jefferson said in 1802

'I believe that banking institutions
are more dangerous to our liberties
than standing armies.
If the American people
ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their currency,
first by inflation, then by deflation,
the banks and corporations
that will grow up around the banks
will deprive the people of all property
until their children wake-up homeless
on the continent their fathers conquered.'

$100 in 1913 = $2,844.92 in 2021
