2 bit computer
From Batchelor-s
Revision as of 12:52, 17 July 2020 by Joe Batchelor (talk | contribs)
. . . 25 cents a day . . .
. . Connect with Wi-fi .
. Use your phone or laptop .
Find a Local node
. . Wi-fi to ASAxxx
. . Goto
How about a Wyze cam ? $25
, they use a QR code to set it up. Anyone know how to read QR?
Open source software
live-ini.zip 'Does this belong or is it a Windoze program?
lssl 'Own license
Handles network data encryption over TLS and SSL protocol
lzbar 'GNU LGPL 2.1 Reads bar codes from various sources, such as video streams
Lcurl 'MIT or X derivate license Handle HTTP communication
Lmp4v2 'MPL MP4 encoding