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From Batchelor-s
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Need a dynamic DNS service

before install ddclient

sudo apt-get install ddclient libjson-any-perl libdata-validate-ip-perl

Please select the dynamic DNS service you are using. If the service you │

│ use is not listed, choose "other" and you will be asked for the protocol  │  
│ and the server name.                                                      │  
│                                                                           │  
│ Dynamic DNS service provider:                                             │  
│                                                                           │  
│                            www.dyndns.com                                 │  
│                            www.easydns.com                                │  
│                            www.dslreports.com                             │  
│                            www.zoneedit.com                               │  
│                            other                                          │  
│                                                                           │  
│                                                                           │  
│                                  <Ok>                                     │  
│    (Other was selected)                                      

│ Please enter the name of the server which is providing you with dynamic │

DNS service (example: members.dyndns.org).                                │  
│                                                                           │  
│ Dynamic DNS server:                                                       │  
│                                                                           │  
│ _________________________________________________________________________ │  
│                                                                           │  
│                                  <Ok>                                     │  
│                                                                           │  
Please select the dynamic DNS update protocol used by your dynamic DNS   │  
 │ service provider.                                                        │  
 │                                                                          │  
 │ Dynamic DNS update protocol:                                             │  
 │                                                                          │  
 │                               dyndns2                                    │  
 │                               dslreports1                                │  
 │                               easydns                                    │  
 │                               hammernode1                                │  
 │                               zoneedit1                                  │  
 │                               dyndns1                                    │  
 │                                                                          │  
 │                                                                          │  
 │                                  <Ok>                                    │  
 │                                                                          │  

Please enter the username to use with the dynamic DNS service. │

     │                                                                 │       
     │ Username for dynamic DNS service:                               │       
     │                                                                 │       
     │ _______________________________________________________________ │       
     │                                                                 │       
     │                             <Ok>                                │       
     │                                                                 │       
      ┌────────────────────┤ Configuring ddclient ├─────────────────────┐       
     │ Please enter the password to use with the dynamic DNS service.  │       
     │                                                                 │       
     │ Password for dynamic DNS service:                               │       
     │                                                                 │       
     │ _______________________________________________________________ │       
     │                                                                 │       
     │                             <Ok>                                │       
     │                                                                 │       
  ───────────────────────┤ Configuring ddclient ├─────────────────────────┐   
 │ Please enter your dynamic DNS service password again to make sure you   │   
 │ typed it correctly.                                                     │   
 │                                                                         │   
 │ Re-enter password to verify:                                            │   
 │                                                                         │   
 │ _______________________________________________________________________ │   
 │                                                                         │   
 │                                 <Ok>                                    │   
 │                                                                         │   
   ┌─────────────────────────┤ Configuring ddclient ├──────────────────────────┐  
│ Please enter the name of the network interface (eth0/wlan0/ppp0/...) to   │  
│ use for dynamic DNS service.                                              │  
│                                                                           │  
│ Network interface used for dynamic DNS service:                           │  
│                                                                           │  
│ _________________________________________________________________________ │  
│                                                                           │  
│                                  <Ok>                                     │  
│                                                                           │  
       │ Please enter the list of fully qualified domain names for the local   │    
  │ host(s) (for instance, "myname.dyndns.org" with only one host or      │    
  │ "myname1.dyndns.org,myname2.dyndns.org" for two hosts).               │    
  │                                                                       │    
  │ DynDNS fully qualified domain names:                                  │    
  │                                                                       │    
  │ _____________________________________________________________________ │    
  │                                                                       │    
  │                                <Ok>                                   │    
  │                                                                       │    


Copy the perl script to your favorite location

(ex. /usr/sbin)

and create a


configuration file.

Do not forget to create the cache directory (where?)
