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When you receive Jesus,

you ALWAYS have fellowship with God NO MATTER WHAT

The Holy Spirit resides with the believer at the moment of salvation

never to depart. If God is with you, how can you not be going the same way?

-- * It is not what you do, that send you to hell,

-- * it is what you have not done. see John 3.18

-- * The Holy Spirit resides with the believer, never to depart.

-- * Once saved, always saved. OSAS

Know this, that when you become a child of God,

nothing can separate you from his love.

He will never ever condemn you for anything that you will likely do or are doing

that is against His will after you become a Christian.

shall not come into condemnation John 5.24

(a child of God, a believer in Jesus Christ).

Agree with God

that Jesus took away every sin you have committed, will commit, and are committing;

never to see it or hold it against you ever again.

Behold, The Lamb of God, that took away the sins of the world.

Either you are in the fellowship of God (saved as a true believer),

saved from the consequences of sin,

which is from death to eternal life,

or you are out of the fellowship of God (lost and dead and not a believer in Jesus). walking in darkness

The Bible never ever describes a person going in and out of fellowship.

The Bible does talk about being out of the fellowship; lost (in darkness),

or being in the fellowship; saved (in the light).

Walk in the light of God today and you will have fellowship with all true believers.

"Sin separates man from God's holy fellowship.

Then something happens to change the relationship of each toward the other.

Man is reconciled, or changed, into a friend to God;

and God is propitiated because the necessary price has been paid for sin

which allows God to receive the individual

as though he were not a sinner." Fred G Stevenson


- * 1. communion: a sharing of common interests, goals, experiences, or views communion with the Word

- * 2. society: a group of people who share common interests, goals, experiences, or views

- * 3. companionship: companionship or friendly association

- * 4. similarity: membership in a group, or the sharing of characteristics with others

- * 5. educ financial endowment: a financial endowment set up to support graduate students


fellowship, association, community, communion, joint participation, intercourse

1a) the share which one has in anything, participation

1b) intercourse, fellowship, intimacy

1b1) the right hand as a sign and pledge of fellowship (in fulfilling the apostolic office)

1c) a gift jointly contributed, a collection, a contribution, as exhibiting an embodiment and proof of fellowship


Thayer Definition:

- * 1) a partner, associate, comrade, companion

- * 2) a partner, sharer, in anything

- * 2a) of the altar in Jerusalem on which the sacrifices are offered

- * 2a1) sharing in the worship of the Jews

- * 2b) partakers of (or with) demons

- * 2b1) brought into fellowship with them, because they are the authors of heathen worship

The Holy Spirit resides with a saved person at the moment of salvation

never to depart.

A saved person with the Holy Spirit residing

can not break fellowship with God.

He can become backslidden

but the moment he wants to talk to God,

God is there waiting.

1 John 1.6

6 If we say that we have fellowship with him, and walk in darkness,

we lie, and do not the truth:

7 But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light,

we have fellowship one with another,

and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.

A saved person can not sin

because the Holy Spirit resides.

Not to say the flesh becomes perfect

but the sin is forgiven.

We should judge ourselves, rather than let God punish us

as a father would his son.

Can a Christian be out of fellowship with God?
